Tuesday, October 19, 2010

making new friends

i've had a quiet day at home today. our heating decided to pack up on friday and so i had to wait in for the plumber. but you know... plenty to do like pinning things on pinterest! i also made a roasted carrot and ginger soup.

i've been meeting a few new people recently which has been fun and lovely (if somewhat scary at the same time). a few weeks ago i went to an 'expat' get-together with marijana. it was called 'stylish after work drinks' which scared me before i'd even got there! and it was all rather scary. they handed us a complimentary glass of prosecco on arrival (which i immediately downed). it was a swanky modern bar and everyone appeared to be mingling (which i'm not very good at) but we joined a table and tried to make conversation. unfortunately at these things it appears the main topic of conversation is always 'so what do you do' or 'what line of work are you in'? but considering 1) i don't currently have a job and 2) i hate talking about work anyway... i don't really seem to fit in! i considered making up a fake life but thought i might get into a spot of bother as i'm not very good at lying. there was one guy who was schmoozing the ladies and when we got up to leave he handed me and marijana his card. seriously, i wish i could take a picture of the card to show you but its got his name and address on it and so it would be rather unfair. but basically it says 'secret' 'für frauen' (for women) and 'klassische massage' (which i'm sure you can figure out what that means)! we couldn't stop laughing.


  1. I count on you showing me this card very soon :)

  2. Hahahahaha - I'm laughing pretty hard over here, too. Great takeaway from the evening :-)

  3. hmmm... was funny. boyfriend not too impressed though!
    we can meet anytime badger :)

  4. Hey there! I recently signed up on Pinterest myself and have just begun my own pinning - addictive, really! What is your username? I'd love to check out your boards. You can email it to me at anamericangirlmovestovienna@gmail.com, if you don't want to post it here.

  5. Oh, BTW, my username on Pinterest is CarolineFrances

  6. i'm rockinkez on pinterest. i'll look for you!

  7. hey kerry,
    came along your blog through the expat blog newsletter and i like it.

    i am an austrian who used to live in the uk and now lives in chile.

    it can feel very weird and uncomfortable to go to any regular meeting as the new person. i joined the german expat meeting in cambridge and felt uncomfortable at first but kept going and met wonderful people there 3 of which i am still in very close contact even though all but 1 of us left the uk.

    so if this is a regular thing and you are looking to find new and interesting contacts push yourself and go at least 2 more times....

  8. hey andre, thanks so much for your comment. i certainly will keep persevering! i'm gonna go check out your blog... :)
